Give your child the competence, confidence and skills of aquatic safety with Infant Swimming Resource’s Self-Rescue® program. Since 1966, ISR has been the safest provider of survival swimming lessons for children 12 months to 6 years of age.
Why this young? Because the sooner the safer! These lessons focus on teaching the child to roll onto their back to float, rest and breathe, and to be able to maintain this life-saving position until help arrives. This is the most important component to ISR swimming lessons. Teaching a child to find their float from every position possible, equipping them with the lifelong skill to Self-Rescue®.
This program is taught by attending lessons 5 days per week, 10 minutes per day, for about 6 weeks. These are one-on-one lessons allowing consistency and repetition, which we know as child development professionals to be the most important and effective way of teaching children.
This is a big commitment for lessons, but the rewards outweigh the hardship many times over. Nothing is more important than your child’s safety.